How to Install WHMCS Template: Step-by-Step Guide

Installing a customized WHMCS template can be a confusing and time-consuming process, especially if you're looking to update only the design while keeping WHMCS's core functionality.

Without a proper installation guide, adding a new WHMCS template might disrupt your site's look or break essential features, leading to potential downtime and a poor customer experience.

Follow this simple, step-by-step guide to seamlessly install our WHMCS templates, which are carefully designed based on the WHMCS default “twenty-one” template. Our templates focus solely on design enhancements, so all WHMCS functionality remains unchanged.

With our template successfully installed, your WHMCS platform will have a fresh, professional appearance that enhances your brand and ensures a smooth user experience. Let’s get started!

What You Need Before You Start
  1. You should have installed WHMCS on your server. Please check the WHMCS Official Documentation.
  2. Check that your installed WHMCS is working with a default template like `twenty-one`.
  3. Then follow our documentation's instructions to install our WHMCS template.
Setup and Configure your WHMCS Installation - Step by Step Guide

Setting up and configuring your WHMCS installation is an essential process to ensure your web hosting site is both functional and visually appealing.

We have designed the WHMCS template and order form. If you want to use hostim/kohost/hostlar (the installation steps are same for all templates) whmcs template then you need to follow the below steps to complete the template installation completely:

  1. Add your WHMCS template - `hostim`/`kohost`/etc or rtl version to the templates folder
  2. Add the `themetags_cart` order form to the order forms folder
  3. Add hooks files to the hooks folder
  4. Add the language english.php to the lang folder
  5. Configure your price from the WHMCS admin panel
  6. Change the default WHMCS template and orderform from the admin panel

From accessing your WHMCS directory to verifying your template’s functionality, this guide covers everything you need to seamlessly integrate your new template. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Add Templates Folder

Add your WHMCS template (hostim/kohost/hostlar or -rtl) to the templates folder.

  • Go to the bn path: your-public-root-directory/whmcs/templates
  • Unzip your uploaded template/file if you have the zip version
  • You will see the template folder name like - kohost/hostim/hostlar/kohost-rtl/etc (based on your template)
  • View this screenshot as an example of kohost template:
Add Templates Folder
Step 2: dd Order Forms

Add the themetags_cart order form to the order forms folder:

  • Go to the path: your-public-root-directory/whmcs/templates/orderforms
  • Unzip the `themetags_cart` orderform folder if you have the zip version
  • Add the `themetags_cart` folder
Add Templates Folder
Step 3: Add hooks to hooks folder

Add the hooks file to the hooks folder:

  • Go to the path: your-public-root-directory/whmcs/includes/hooks
  • Unzip the hooks folder if you have the zip version
  • Add the hooks file in the hooks folder. Please check the below screenshot:
Add Templates Folder

Tip: Make sure you upload the entire folder, not just individual files.

Step 4: Update Language

Add overrides folder to the lang folder:

  • Got to the path: your-public-root-directory/whmcs/lang/overrides
  • Upload the overrides folder to your lang folder. In this overrides folder we have included an english.php file. This english.php file is overridden and added all new variables for our template.
Add Templates Folder
Step 5: Change Default Template and Order Forms

For a branded look, you might want to make additional customizations:

You can select our template and order form from the General setting. To change the default template from the general setting:

Click the setting icon right side of the navbar then click the general setting.

Add Templates Folder Add Templates Folder

Change the default Order Form from General setting:

In this General setting, click the tab Ordering then you can see the different types of the order form template. Now select the Themetags Cart/ kohost cart. Check the below image:

Add Templates Folder

After selecting, this then clicks the Save Change button.

Watch the Video: How to Install WHMCS Template

Add overrides folder to the lang folder:


Installing a WHMCS template is a straightforward process that can make a big difference in your web hosting site’s appeal. For those who want a visual walkthrough, check out our YouTube video tutorial. Once your template is installed, feel free to explore other WHMCS customizations and resources to enhance your user experience further.